Project Server 2013 and Project Online are available

Great news - Microsoft released preview versions of Microsoft Project Server 2013 and Project Online - Cloud-bases edition of Microsoft Project Server 2013.

FluentPro is focused on developing tools and products for Project Server family and we announce several utilities:

1. FluentPro Cloud Migrator Free Edition - software that allows migrate your existing 2010 PWA with data to the Project Online Preview so you can evaluate it with real data. Read more:  
2. FluentPro Cloud Migrator Pro Edition -  paid version of software that allows migrate your existing 2010 PWA with data to the Project Online Preview and supports migration of project sites and security. Purchase of this version will provide free upgrade to versions available at time when Project Server gets RTM version. Read more:   

We working hard on moving rest of our products to Project Server 2013 platform and developing several new exciting applications for Project Server 2010 and Project Server 2013 / Online.

Stay tuned!
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